Saturday, December 25, 2010

Let it Snow....

Let it snow, and let it flow!
Perfect Christmas vacation, full of inspiration!
Over the hills, and through the I GO!
Sleds, skis, tubes, and snowboards all at a Ski resort!
Everyday with my family, and learning a new Sport!
Evenings at the gym and a late night swim!
Yummy foods and maybe a glass of wine;
Best of all with my kids and hubby the whole entire time!
Let it snow, and let it flow!
Perfect Christmas vacation, full of inspiration!
                                                                  12/25/2010    Amy Jene

   Editing and Gathering
*The Summer of Nickola*

1 comment:

  1. Me Likey! Just say No to the Wine... Member the plan! ;) wish me luck!
